Resolutions and inspirations
Happy New Year to all of our members and subscribers.
At this time of year there is lots of talk about making resolutions, behaving differently for the month of January etc.
Personally I don’t do New Year resolutions – for a number of reasons one of which is that serious decisions need to be made as and when needed, not just on one specific date in the year. If I did do resolutions I would probably say that I would make sure to act on any creative inspiration that comes my way and if it doesn’t to go and find some. Of course that isn’t a resolution as I try to do that anyway.
Two things that can help are making notes of ideas straight away (a notebook or mobile phone will work) and of course attending a creative writing group. Riverside Writers will have our first session of the 2025 on Thursday 16th January and Number One Writing Group will have their first workshop on Thursday 4th February – further details will be posted closer to the dates.
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